In contemplating the totality of experience, I realize that there is always some aspect that is unknown, or unclear. No matter how much focus, or strength, or effort, there will always be something beyond my senses, beyond my grasping. I seek to 'know' the nature of my experience and soon realize that some aspect of nature alludes me. Or even when I find some amount of confidence in my understanding, I find myself, once again befuddled, confused, and/or uncertain.
And so I got to wondering, which of the 5 phases contains this aspect?
Is it Water? The ever-resolving aspect that pulls or pushes us towards vast emptiness?
Water is seemingly the most suitable to the idea of uncertainty - the winds of dissolution, concluding, death, and completion. Ultimately, what do we have when we have achieved our aim? We reach out for completion and completion arrives, leaving us to enjoy the communion of uniting with our goal/desire; the communion of death.
'Uncertain' is that which cannot be relied upon, not definite, not known... what can be more uncertain the resolution of all that we know? What can be more uncertain than a shifting 'truth', a shifting 'world'?
Water shifts and slips downward only to find itself ejected into space or falling down to Earth. Certainty is equally subtle in its movements and changes. Uncertainty is most certainly an aspect most clearly represented by Water.
But surely it reflects itself into all the other phases as well? What about the uncertain movements of Wood? Fire? Earth? Metal? Are they all expressing 'Water-like' qualities?
In terms of 4 Pillars, What about this uncertain quality do the Water stems lend to character?
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