Wood is the child, still unformed, doesn't know anything but just enjoying everything and taking it all in.
Fire is the rambunctious teenager, still doesn't know anything but thinks it knows. "Don't tell me what to do, because I know what I want!" "And what is that?" "I don't know! Stop bothering me!"
Earth is coming into adulthood, getting married and buying a house, etc. Doing practical things.
Metal is the midlife crisis. "What is the meaning of all this?" Selling the house and moving into an apartment, searching for what's important, getting rid of inessentials.
Water is old age, or realizing it doesn't matter anyway. Someone who has been stoic their whole life may become sentimental in old age. A second innocence that develops when it seems you've lost all trace of innocence. Old people are especially fond of grandkids... and so it goes back to Wood.
The Wood Rat is the baby rat, the Fire Rat is the teenage rat... etc.
Fire is the rambunctious teenager, still doesn't know anything but thinks it knows. "Don't tell me what to do, because I know what I want!" "And what is that?" "I don't know! Stop bothering me!"
Earth is coming into adulthood, getting married and buying a house, etc. Doing practical things.
Metal is the midlife crisis. "What is the meaning of all this?" Selling the house and moving into an apartment, searching for what's important, getting rid of inessentials.
Water is old age, or realizing it doesn't matter anyway. Someone who has been stoic their whole life may become sentimental in old age. A second innocence that develops when it seems you've lost all trace of innocence. Old people are especially fond of grandkids... and so it goes back to Wood.
The Wood Rat is the baby rat, the Fire Rat is the teenage rat... etc.
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